Mar 4, 2009


Greetings to teh Interweb. This blog is officially started with Zero fanfare, and without anyone knowing but me. Time will tell if I ever get anyone to actually read this thing.

So what is this all about? Well, the reasons for my starting this blog are mostly selfish. I have come to realize lately that I spend (waste?) a lot of my time playing various games on my PC. This is all fine and good, but I also came to realize that I have nothing to show for the countless hours I have put into this hobby of mine. Emotions have been left unexpressed, opinions have been debated internally, and ultimately my random thoughts about the medium of computer games could die along with my mortal flesh on any given day. This will no longer be the case.

For quite some time now, playing video games has largely been thought to be an immature and escapist past-time. I am not afraid to confront and discuss these accusations, nor am I fully prepared to deny them. Part of my reason for starting this blog is to get questions like this out in the open. Occasionally I will review games as I play them, but only if I feel they are monumental achievements in game design or presentation (be warned: I play new games, but I also occasionally get a little retro). I will try to make the philosophy of gaming and the progression of the industry the focus.

I know I am not alone in trying to wrestle with the intellectual questions raised by gaming. I will do my best to link to others who also take this subject seriously. Gaming is slowly but surely growing up and I want to participate in its flowering and pruning.

Now on to a real post...

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