Mar 4, 2009

Empire: Total Crack

Oh, those crafty pirates.

On my way home tonight I ran into a neighbour of mine and we began talking about Bioshock, which I recently repurchased to play on my new PC. Just as we were about to part ways, he offered to burn me a copy of Empire: Total War.

I found this shocking for a few reasons. Number one was the fact that I had just spent money on a PC game at a local store and here he was offering me a new game for free. Empire: Total War was released yesterday, and is retailing in Toronto for roughly $60.

I do not think less of this person for the fact that he has a pirated copy of a game that I really want to play. However, it really brought to mind the attitudes of an interview with a developer at Creative Assembly I had read recently. The inevitability and efficiency of piracy certainly seems to be unstoppable.

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